
Informasi Jepang

Tes Bahasa Jepang. JLPT? Noryokusikeng?

Kalian tau g? kalau penghasilan dari pekerjaan yang ada hubungan dengan Bahasa Jepang, di Indonesiapun, gede lo.. Tapi u...

Hidden treasure behind Mt. Arasiyama. Kiyotaki waterfall, Kyoto

Many of you come to Kyoto especially to Visit Arasiyama, and thats it. Despite you might never knew what lies inside tha...
Blog staf

Belajar Bahasa Jepang, Hiragana? Katakana? Kanji?

Kemarin bahasannya mengenai cara untuk bisa kerja ke Jepang, program EPA, pelatihan Bahasa Jepang, careworker sama Peraw...

Tau perbedaan Perawat dan Careworker di Jepang

Di Blog sebelumnya menjelaskan tentang program EPA, careworker dll. Tapi kan program EPA sebenernya ada 2 yaitu Perawat/...

A Thousand Vermilion Tori Gate, Fusimiinari Shrine, Kyoto

Never been to a place full with a Japanese tori gates? Here come to Japan and visit Fusiiminari or in Japanese 伏見稲荷大社 wh...

Mau mendaftar jadi Careworker di Jepang? Baca dulu deh

Sekarang coba perhatikan kondisi di negara kita sendiri, apakah kita mampu untuk bekerja dan menghasilkan penghasilan ya...

Biwako Valley, Summer Vacation

Biwako Valley or in Japanese written びわ湖バレイ is a spot reaching altitude of 1100 meter up to the Mountain. This place is ...

Siapa yang bilang cowok g perlu perawatan. MS Glow For Men.,

Cowok jaman sekarang juga perlu menjaga penampilan. Banyak yang bilang, ah, ngapaen perawatan kayak cewe aja, tapi dalam...

Play with deer in Nara Park, Nara

You can touch them, play with them, sit with them, sleep with them, take as many picture as you want with them. 8-)  So...

Tenryuji, one of the most tranquil place you may find in Kyoto

Behold, one of the Five Greatest Zen Temple in Kyoto, and one of the World Heritage Site registered to UNESCO, Tenryuuji...