Travel The fortune-telling temple, Chion Temple, Amanohasidate Wanna see the wisdom of your life? So, this is the continuation of the last story where i and my friends went to Amanoha... 2020.06.30 Travel
Travel Wanna see the dragon fly to the sky? Amano hasidate, Kyoto-Japan!! Do you want to see dragon flying high to the sky..?? In this place, well, they say you can, so i went there. Well, hello... 2020.06.30 Travel
Travel Kurang terkenal berarti kurang bagus, Siapa bilang? kunjungi Matsuo Taisya! Pasti banyak yang dari kalian udah ngebet pengen jalan2 khan.? :lol: soalnya udah lama banget terpuruk dan membusuk dida... 2020.06.10 Travel